Questions about tax while on a WHV for remote Canadian employer

Hi! First of all, thanks to everyone who contributes to the wiki, and replies to questions on this subreddit. Many questions I had were answered by reading through existing posts and the wiki.

I have some lingering questions about what the tax implications would be as a remote employee of a Canadian company living in Japan under a WHV.

My situation is that I plan on working part-time, remotely for a Canadian employer, while living in Japan under a WHV. I plan on extending my WHV for the full 12 months. My understanding is that because I am residing in Japan for this period, I will be considered a tax resident of Japan, and owe \~21% income tax to Japan.

Now confusion stems from the Canada-Japan tax treaty, and what my tax burden is to Canada, and what is required of my employer. I hope that these questions are within the scope of this subreddit, as they are slightly Canada-specific. Here are my questions:

* Is my understanding correct, that I will be considered a tax resident of Japan?
* My understanding of the tax treaty is that I am not considered a tax resident of both countries at the same time. That said, can I simply pay both Canadian and Japanese taxes, and claim the Japanese taxes later on my Canadian tax return?
* Is there anything that needs to be done on my employer’s side of things ( I’ve seen mention of EORs, and some others saying they are not required)

Based on the replies in [this thread]( from /u/starkimpossibility, it seems like an EOR is not needed, and that I can simply pay both taxes. However, I wanted to make a post to make sure I’m ticking my boxes here, and that my employer is aware of anything that needs to be done on their side.

I also plan on talking with a Canadian accountant, so if anyone has advice for what questions I should ask them / things to make them aware of, that would be appreciated.

Thank You!

by _alber

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