I’m traveling to Japan soon and I’ve seen multiple threads and posts about medications I can and can’t bring into Japan. I’m on Concerta (Methylphenidate) and I’ll be bringing less than 1 month’s supply. According to the [Narcotics Control Department’s website](https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html#psychotropics) and [their associated table](https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/dl_data/keitai/total.pdf), I don’t need a certificate written by my doctor nor the permission by authorities. My questions are:
1. Do I need to declare it at customs? I’ve seen conflicting information.
2. I’ve got the prescription bottle and a printout of my prescribed medication from my pharmacy. Should I still get a Doctor’s note?
by OhYeahitsJosh