Was just rewatching this turn – turns out today is the one year anniversary

Was just rewatching this turn – turns out today is the one year anniversary

  1. Overall I’d say this turn has been a success for SHO – he was a bit of an awkward fit with EVIL at first but he’s turned out to be a really great character. In a lot of ways he kind of brought House of Torture up with him, people still get mad at EVIL matches but when he’s tagging with SHO there seems to be a lot less vitriol.

    YOH I don’t know about. He had a fantastic BOSJ in 2021. It was a really good run and he got super over. But then they had him lose to SHO again and again. He was super over with me last year but I don’t really care about him much anymore.

    This turn itself was also done really well. I love the little verbal exchange between SHO and Despy, like Despy is actually disturbed by what’s happening.

  2. This split has made YOH feel incredibly forgettable, love SHOs work though. Was skeptical at first but he has made it work for him.

  3. I actually thought the clap crowds may have enhanced the moment itself, it made it seem like people were in complete shock, too shaken to even boo or shout out, after it happened.

    I think Sho has been OK since it, HoT are settling into a midcard role suitable for them and I like him playing up how deranged he is. Yoh though, I dont know what is up with him.

    Unfortunately the matches themselves between them were not great.

  4. I’ve always wondered if it should have been the other way around, with Yoh turning and Sho staying with Chaos, then again they didn’t give Sho a run with the JR title while Yoh was out with injury and that always bothered me because pre turn Sho deserved a run

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