Gym Equipment Shops and Gyms in Osaka

Hello everyone! I’m a powerlifter who will be traveling to Osaka at the end of March, and I’d like to ask for your assistance in pinpointing the best gym equipment shops and gyms in Osaka!

The main reason why I’m asking for help with this is that SBD Equipment is really hard to import in my home country, with shipping and taxes really jacking up the cost. However, I know that SBD officially retails their stuff in Japan, and I was hoping to maybe buy some equipment in store during the trip.

I heard from a friend that he got his gear at Fitness Shop Nanbaten about a year ago, and I was wondering if you guys would be able to recommend any other shops, as well as gyms, I could potentially visit, preferably near USJ and/or around Dotonbori. Thanks !!

by gelbasaur

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