What real chances do I have in Japan?

Two years ago, I (30F) met a bunch of Japanese people while studying in Canada. We developed such a strong connection to the point we are almost like family now. Since that happened, I couldn’t feel at home in my home country anymore and I started daydreaming about how my life would be if we were all living together in the same country… Additionally, I unexpectedly ended up falling in love and getting into a long distance relationship with one of them, and that leaded to me taking those dreams more seriously and researching about visas.

This year I’ll finally apply for a working holiday in Japan. It’s not an easy decision since I’ll be leaving for one year my family’s business that I’ve been working for the last decade, when they were actually expecting me to take the lead along with my brother… Still, I want to do this. The thing is, since my life was always kinda sorted out in the financial sense, I’ve never really cared much about my studies. Like I did go to university (free in my country) but mostly as a hobby. In other words never finished any of my degrees since I simply wanted to start a new one every 3 years. Now that I want to think about a life abroad, I’m just realizing my big mistake…

I’m worried whether I’ll be able to find a job in Japan or not. I mean, part-time? Sure. And that’s actually the only type of job I can apply with my working holiday visa but, well… this is thinking maybe too in advance, since I still haven’t lived with my boyfriend and have no idea how that relationship will develop, neither if I’d even like being in Japan… but let’s suppose during this year everything goes well, and I happen to love it all. If I wanted to stay, could I? Like yeah, spouse visa, but aside from that, would I be able to get a real job in such an strict country without a single degree on my resume? That’s what worries me! Since I wouldn’t like to be a burden… and I still don’t know how much I might save with a simple part-time salary.

Sorry for the long text… and thanks if you read it til the end. I’m looking forward to your comments! Be respectfully honest with your opinions and suggestions, please!

**For more details, I studied 3 years of Psycho-pedagogy and 3 of Fashion Design (both unfinished), have experience babysitting for years, and worked for the last 10 in a company within the automotive industry (currently vice-president of it) Additionally, I speak English, Spanish (native) and a bit of Japanese (JLPT N4 so far, but confident in passing N3 within this year in Japan)

by CarouselGirl2

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