Is it pointless for me to do an undergrad/bachelors in Japan if I don’t plan to work there after?

I’ve been wanting to study abroad and I feel Japan would be a good fit for me cost-wise, and I have a few friends there and as well as location wise (I live in Asia). However I’ve been told around reddit that Japanese degrees, ESPECIALLY in English, are quite useless. (I could go to Temple but I’ve been heavily advised not to go for many reasons..)

My plan is to do an undergrad in Waseda’s SPSE, and then pursue a Masters in the west (Like the UK, AUS, US, EU) and end up working there. Mainly because I do NOT plan to work in Japan (or at least for a Japanese company, I’d be fine working for a company with actual good work / work-life standards but I feel like I’d be asking too much as a fresh grad..)

It might sound a bit dumb since I don’t plan to stay in Japan afterwards so why not I study elsewhere right? Idk I want to experience something new especially since I’ve wanted to study in Japan since I was a kid, and studying as an undergrad in the previously aforementioned countries would be a bit tough for me financially, and I’d be more suited to do it for my Masters instead..

Please give me some advice on what you think would be good for me, or if you know anyone with similar experiences, I’d really appreciate it

Thanks in advance!

by Dear_Contest4096

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