Conbini food – is it really that good?

Hi, I am heading to Japan in October, and I am reading and watching a lot of stuff to be somehow prepared. I see a lot of people mentioning that food in Convinient Stores is of really good quality, but when I look at it on youtube, it usually doesn’t look good and I am wondering whether it is any better than what we see in similar stores in Europe. Onigri looks like a lot of rice with a hint of something that gives taste (eg. Salmon which looks much processed with some sauce-like thing), sandwitches with ugly bread and blended eggs or tuna with mayonaise (we have these in Europe, it sucks here), some ready to heat meats… All of these just doesn’t really look good. How much better this highly processed foods can be better than anywhere in the world? Do Japanese people have a secret recipes to prepare these things that are so well kept that nobody, nowhere else in the world is able to reproduce or is it just overreaction of tourists who are so in love in Japan that they love everything that is Japanese? It is not an attack, just a question out of curiosity. Thanks a lot for a sincere response.

by koros86

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