Best place to relax / unwind for a week right now?

I was originally planning on heading to Okinawa in the next 2 weeks to unwind / lie on a beach but I’ve since learnt it’s typhoon season and I don’t want to risk it.

I’m looking to recharge and unwind. I’ve been in the country for 4 months and it has been incredibly stressful getting set up here. I need to unplug for a week but I’m not sure where to go now.

Few things:

* 36M – I’ll be travelling solo. I have a half sleeve (upper) tattoo so Onsen is mostly out for me unless you know of a tattoo friendly one
* Very limited Japanese. I’m finding it quite exhausting even using Google Translate at the moment so if I can do things that require minimal interaction / awkwardness, that is perfect
* Budget isn’t an issue – I don’t have expensive taste so don’t want a 5\* experience but I’m also not limited to Hostels / lowest price.
* I’m not in for hiking. I don’t mind half a day exploring nature but consecutive days on the road for me is too much

Where would you go / do?

  1. I’ve not been yet – but Shizuoka looks pretty cool and I’m going there on my next vacation. Easy to get to, city in case you need anything, convenient train lines, very coastal and has some beaches so you can walk around, explore and relax but it’s no hike, saw some really nice hotels for not too much either. Weather pending anyway.

    Edit: don’t know if your Japanese language situation will be any different though.

  2. Since it’s effing hot everywhere these days, I’d go somewhere cool like Hokkaido. Get some hiking in if I wanted to, but spend most of my time leisurely strolling around Sapporo tasting all the sea food, lamb, cheese and beer my heart desires. Lots of different options for accommodation too to fit every budget.

  3. Same here, although I am a bit older and have been in Japan a lot longer. I was also planning 10 days in Okinawa in mid Sept to unwind but it seems the weather is basically thunderstorms for the whole latter half of Sept (according to Accuweather).

    Earlier in the year I went to Kyushu, Miyazaki. Stayed at the Sheraton resort. Wasn’t very busy at all so I found it relaxing as the resort is quite big so plenty of places to walk or cycle. A little bit expensive though so I wouldn’t recommend if you want to explore other areas. 2/3 nights were ideal.

    Can also recommend Hakone and Izu area. Find a nice hotel with a private onsen or outdoor bath. I find that super relaxing. Can spend a day cycling around Shuzenji and eat good food.

    I think I may go to Hokkaido. So far the weather forecast seems mostly good. Should be a bit cooler as well. I generally don’t like flying. I try to take the bullet train or highway bus whenever possible. I find that more relaxing. Some passes are available for foreign residents or you can get good discounts if booking early. Although this time I may take the ferry. Some find it boring but I love it. Not very busy, super clean and quiet, and nice restaurant. Take some books/movies and just relax.

  4. I know you don’t like hiking but most tall mountains are すずし (cool windy and refreshing) , you could get away from the heat by visiting Nagano or Toyama, somewhere high in elevation? I’ve been to Kagoshima and really enjoyed It – Sakurajima is beautiful and you can rent a car a drive around the whole thing. There’s also an island you can take a ferry too for some beautiful nature walks – I can’t recall the name, there’s a hotel there as well

  5. a hostel in Gora called Hakone Tent with a private onsen so your tattoos wont matter. Before covid they used to receive international guests so the staff at least can speak English.

    Although it’s a hostel they have private rooms too. Did this solo trip two years ago and it was quite fun exploring Hakone and chatting up other guests.

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