Good idea to link MyNumber and bank account/health insurance?

I’ve had a “proper” MyNumber card for years to get documents at the kombini and for 確定申告. Beyond those occasions it stays in a safe place at home.

I noticed that now [the government is offering 7,500 yen for linking it with one’s health insurance and another 7,500 yen for linking it to a bank account](

Is doing this a good idea?

I thought that the data was already linked, since banks have been demanding one’s MyNumber already for years and to apply for health insurance one needs to provide that info (or to provide it to one’s company on hiring anyways) – but then the government wouldn’t need to bribe people for this info.

Also, for the bank account part: is the linking really just to receive money or does one allow the government to withdraw as well by going through this?

  1. How will you use My Number card at medical facilities that don’t yet have capability to verify health insurance coverage through my number card? Will your insurance provider or ward issue paper card also after linking my number card to health insurance?

    My dentist has big notice that they can’t verify insurance coverage through my number card.

  2. When I asked about it at my ward office, they basically said that many medical providers still do not have the capability to read/process mynumber cards. As such, I would still be required to carry a paper card with me to use at these locations.

    They believe it would be a couple of years before they would be able to do away with the paper insurance card, if ever at all.

  3. I think connecting the health insurance isn’t a bad idea. The government provides the health insurance anyways. So that data running though the MyNumber is not that insane of a thought.

    Personally wouldn’t connect my bank account info. Seems like a nifty way for you to agree to have all bank movement monitored by the government. Also im pretty sure that if they can put money in they could also pull money out (particularly if you owe or are behind payments for taxes or other)

  4. What is this “paper card” everyone is mentioning? Is the NHI card paper and not an actual plastic card? I’ve never been on NHI, only employees’ health insurance.

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