Having second thoughts

Hi everyone, for the longest time I’ve had the ambition to go on JET but in the last couple days leading up to my interview this week I’m starting to have doubts. This week I’ve found out about events in my life that would be taking place during the time I’d be away if I were to be accepted into JET. And although I always knew that would be the case and was something I weighed at the time I applied it really started to hit me that I’d be away from friends and family for so long. The thought of missing out on so much is starting to weigh on me and I’m starting to be avoidant in thinking about my interview. It’s kind of like I’m hoping to be rejected so that I don’t have to make the choice to leave. Additionally, as a recent 25yr old college grad I’m feeling nervous about delaying the start of my career/life at home.

On a lot of levels I still do want to do JET as it’s been something I’ve aimed to achieve for a while and the thought helped guide me through some confusing times in life. Though my aim isn’t to stay in Japan forever.

I guess what I’m wondering is if anyone else is feeling this way right now? And if there any former JET’s that had similar thoughts but went through with it anyway, how did it turn out? Was the experience worth the sacrifice? And how did your career turn out post JET?

by arro117

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