Universal Japan studio pass tiered ticket question

Hi there,

So some travel arrangements got lost in translation and I booked two Studio Day Passes to Universal Japan on the 2nd of April, but I’ll be in Tokyo then. Meant to book them for the 5th of April when I’m in Osaka. Easy enough fix for Disney but not for Universal it seems.

So the tickets I bought for the 2nd of April are C date priced, I’d like to go on the 5th of April which is B date priced. (I thought the date range on the ticket saying 2024/04/02 – 2024/06/30 was when it was valid til but given the tiered pricing that wouldn’t make sense so-)

Customer service has told me I can go to the gate, talk to them and pay the difference between a C and B priced date and that will make the tickets valid for the Friday 5th visit. Hoping that’s the case but just looking for any input/experience had here.

Appreciate any input, cheers.

by LordButternubs

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