Want to quit full-time job and work part time until I find another full-time job

Working in my current job has become increasingly draining, so, as the title says, I’d like to change full-time jobs and in between work part time in a place where 1) foreigners already work, 2) work is permitted by my visa (the foreigners that work there have the same visa so my assumption is it’s permitted).

My visa is valid until the end of 2025, 1 and a half years from now.
I’m not sure how visa sponsors work. Do companies have to sponsor you during your whole duration in Japan? Or only during the application process?

I know that without working, foreigners can stay up to 3 months in Japan without having to deal with immigration. But, this is too risky for me (I had a job that I was about to start fall through due to the company situation).

So, my question is, can I quit my current full-time job then work part-time (in a field permitted by my visa) until I find another full-time job?
The part time job, plus my savings, will be more than enough to support my lifestyle and I’ll even be able to save money.

I am looking up information on the immigration pages, and I’ll call immigration next week, but just want to see what people say/ have experienced before then.

Thanks peeps

by Cercopithecus

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