Thoughts on blowing your nose?

So I heard before that blowing your nose is apparently bad manners in Japan. But everyone around me does it when they need to. Kids, adults, whoever. Does it differ between regions/areas? I’m in Kansai but is it different in other parts of Japan?

by hooray-questionmark

  1. Don’t think anybody actually cares. Anybody else finding all those people who sneeze like a warrior cry way more annoying?

  2. I’d rather have people blow their nose than for them to continously sniffer and basically gargle with their nose all the damn time.

  3. Literally no one cares. But I care about that sniffiling asshole on the train, I’ve been so tempted to hand them a kleenex.

  4. Well, according to influential influencer on social media site, there are strict rules and societal expectations around nose bowing that are difficult to reduce to writing and even harder for non Japanese to comprehend. That you are seeing people do it, does not mean that it is acceptable in Japan. On the contrary. It is unacceptable. Please consider. 

  5. My coworkers blow their nose left and right all the time as if they are alone. So I was under the impression that it is not bad manners?

  6. I’ve met people who like to excuse themselves to the toilet to do so, but the only time I’ve actually seen anyone react was around the dinner table. Even then, it seemed to only be one person.

  7. I dunno. I’ve seen Showa Oyajis in the park that will block one nostril and blast snot out of the other.

  8. I don’t think people care that much, but perhaps people excuse themselves from formal occasions to do it rather than just honking away.

  9. I think it may have been more of an issue in the past than it is today. I’ve been in Japan for 10 years and it doesn’t really seem to be an issue.
    Maybe avoid doing it too loudly. Depending on your country of origin the custom about how loud one is may be different.

    On the other hand, Japanese people tend to also not to care (enough) about people sniffling, sometimes VERY loudly.
    It makes me crazy.

  10. No there is no “social etiquette” for blowing your nose but especially for woman there’s always that kinda “underlying” embarrassment issues of blowing your nose or sneezing in public so they all do that forced unnatural cute sneeze lol or blow their nose like no one’s watching literally in the bathroom lol.

    I can’t do that “cute” sneeze or bother going to the bathroom to blow my nose unless it’s like at a dinner table setting so yeah it’s not considered bad manners. But like everyone says here, sniffling incessantly is more bothersome hahaha

  11. I step out or face a corner or go into the back of the room. But also, I did that back home too. It’s more because I’m self conscious about sounding like an elephant

  12. Real talk but I blow my nose at around 40 percent power in the train to show that while I can do whatever the fuck I want to I still respect Japanese mores and customs. Get heaps of thumbs up from strangers acknowledging me.

  13. I rather blow my freaking nose and get over with it than be always sniffing the hanamizu in
    That IMO is much worse, can’t stand people pulling air trough their messy noses

  14. Some people afraid to blow their nose but put a bowl of ramen in front of them and “shhhhshshshhhshsshshlllurp”

  15. Thank you for asking actually because I was curious since I read the same thing, but my coworkers do it all the time, Tokoku area. I have seen though, it’s rude to blow into your little handkerchief/towel that you bring with you (which makes sense, germ transmission)

  16. If I am on the train and have to blow my nose well, shikataganaj. I sill try and turn away if I can but it has never seemed to be a problem with anyone. Like someone else said, it sure beats continually sniffling.

  17. I just know this will show up on that Japanese site where they’re gossiping about us..

  18. Everyone in my office blows their noses in the office lol, including me. If you have allergy or kafunsho, you’d have to blow your nose so many times. I think people just can’t be bothered to go to the restroom anymore :>>

  19. I think that if you are in a meeting with someone and they blow their nose I your face, it’s not polite. My own experience is my Japanese yes her crouching behind the desk to blow her nose.

    But if you are not directly interacting with someone, I guess it’s fait game and you can do it without much offence.

  20. Just one of those things that used to be the norm but really isn’t anymore.

    Same in my country. Used to be don’t blow your nose in front of others but that’s like my grandmas generation.
    Some people care but the majority absolutely not.

  21. It’s like… eating with your elbows on the table. It’s bad manners, but plenty of people do it. Whether or not you want to adhere to those manners is up to you.

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