100,000 Yen fine for fight in a train- is this normal?

I’ll try to keep this short: In December, I got drunk and some guy in the train home stepped on my feet. Not by accident or anything, deliberately, long and it hurt pretty bad. Like, it was intentional. Now, because I was drunk, I said something mean to him, he said something mean to me, we got into a fight, **I slapped him a few times in the face** (probably the most important part), he also hit me yada yada.

Police came, took our details and so on. I kinda told them how it was, not much point in lying anyways, told them he started it, told them I was sorry for what I did etc. Obviously I shouldn’t have done it, but I can’t change that now.

I kinda forgot about this whole incident a few weeks later, nothing really happend, none of us had any lasting injuries or needed to go to the hospital. No punches or anything were thrown, no blood or broken bones.

Few days ago, I got a call from the prosecutor office, they wanted to speak with me. Went there today, told them the entire story again, they asked me if I would be okay with a short/simplified trial, where a judge would just set a fine. I said I was fine with it, expecting a fine of maybe like 20 or 30,000 Yen?

But alas, my fine was set at 100,000Â¥. Which is actually a lot higher than I expected. I was told the other guy was also under investigation so I assume he got hit with a similiar fine, maybe a little bit less, idk.

**Basically my question is: Is this a normal amount?** I have two weeks to object and demand a “regular” trial, but is it worth it? Like, would an objection, and the resulting regular trial be likely to signifcantly reduce the fine? I don’t have much money, so yeah….

I obviously know that I shouldn’t have done this, I am sorry for what I did and something like this never happend to me and hopefully never will, but thats kinda the situation I have to deal with :/


by DarkCrusader45

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