Weekly Off-Topic Thread – 13 March 2024

You have a question. Maybe it’s about finance, maybe it’s about Japan, or maybe it’s about neither of those things. Regardless of the topic, you know that google is right there in the next browser tab, and you know that google can definitely answer your question. So why don’t you just change tabs? It would be so easy. Yet you don’t change tabs. Why? Because you know, deep down, that it’s going to be much more fun to post your question right here, in r/JapanFinance’s Weekly Off-Topic Thread!

Questions on any topic are welcome. That means everything from “what will the JPY exchange rate be next month?”, to “what will the JPY exchange rate be next year?”, and even “should I exchange my USD for JPY yet?”. Just keep in mind that the sub’s rules still apply, and don’t forget to give yourself the “US Taxpayer” flair if it applies to you.

by AutoModerator

  1. Can I pay full amount for my Ipad (au)


    I got an ipad that is paid via installment for 2 years (ends in Oct 2025). It comes with data subscription. Now, I want to pay it in full but I want to end the data subscription since I am moving to a different country. Am I allowed to do that?

    Thank you!

  2. This year’s tax filing was a doozy – multiple domestic and foreign investment gains and dividends, RSUs vesting, tons of deductions etc. Good thing I had the great foresight to marry an accountant, who did the whole thing online in like 25 minutes.

    Funny thing is my mom is also an accountant and did my taxes back in Canada, including when I got full blown randomly audited and she just handled the whole thing lol.

    Lifeprotip: have an accountant in your family.

  3. I looked at three reinvesting emerging markets index funds available here. It turns out that only `eMaxis Slim 新興国株式インデックス` actually implements its index (MSCI) directly. `SBI 新興国株式インデックス・ファンド` (FTSE) just wraps Schwab’s SCHE ETF, while `iFree 新興国株式インデックス` (FTSE RAFI) tepidly admits investing in an undisclosed ETF in their prospectus (Invesco’s `PXH` maybe?).

    This seems to make eMaxis the most efficient of the lot.

  4. I completely missed the new iFree fund by Daiwa in January that tracks the JPX Prime 150 index. And it’s available as both an ETF (`TSE:2017`) and a reinvesting investment trust (ITAN: `04316241`, ISIN: `JP90C000QFA9`). Usually it benefits one investor class more than the other so I wonder which one will be better.

    The fund has the same fee as their JPX Nikkei 400 one, 21.45bps.

    Bring on more low-cost value+profitability funds!

    **Edit:** wow, never mind, the index methodology actually favors _expensive_ stocks, not cheap ones (it says 当期の PBR が高い銘柄を優先する). That’s quite amazing. It would be hard to understand just why would make such an index, but that Daiwa implemented it is incredible.

  5. Right now I have the basic smbc credit card, if I wanted to apply for gold or preferred platinum, what would happen to the old card?
    Is it an upgrade and it replaced the old card or is it a completely new card and both cards exists side by side and is have to cancel the old card manually?

  6. Anyone here know how to apply work in other country? I am a intern trainee here in japan. I wanna change job to other country because of some serious reasons in my workplace and its not even paying well. I have the skills but I dont know where to start. My targets are EU countries.

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