How would you read 僕なんていなくても 生きていける君ならいらない

I’m not asking for a translation of this lyric, but I’ve seen so much different interpretations of this line it’s driving me nuts so I want to see everyone’s input. Common translation is “Even if I’m not here you can live on so you don’t need me”. But I read it as 僕なんていなくても生きていける describing 君. So (僕なんていなくても生きていける)君なら,いらない as “If you can live on even if I’m not here, then I don’t need you”. I thought it made a good foil to the previous lyric 君が生きてるから,僕も生きて笑っているんだろうな. I asked my native Japanese teacher before and she agreed with my translation. What do you guys think? Am I getting the lyric grammar wrong?

Song is 愛 think so, by DECO*27

Edit: thank you everyone for affirming! I feel at peace now. Nihongo can be such a tricky language sometimes

by becameapotato

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