Reasonable repair cost for car?

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I could not find an answer in here for this question, most were paint or dent related.

I received a quote from a Subaru dealership to change brakes (the entire assemblies), the quote is 1.6million yen (this includes an oil change and brake fluid change + coolant). The car in question is a 2007 Subaru Forester STI.

Is this a reasonable price for such a repair? I have heard that car maintenance costs are higher in Japan, is this true? It seems like quite a high price based on my previous experiences in Germany (obviously was never for a Subaru there).

I know it’s a very specific question. If no one has experience with this, that’s alright.

by mother_of_ahamkaras

  1. 1.6million yen???

    I think you read the quote wrong, or translated it wrong here

    “this includes an oil change and brake fluid change + coolant” makes me think you’ve made a mistake in your post

    you could buy a second hand car for that money. can you type out the actual number, with all the zeros?

    I’m guessing 16,000yen, which seems really good w/ oil & brake fluid change, but I’m not sure

  2. Most car shops will also have a garage, such as Autobacs and Yellow Hat. Go get a second quote if you’re not happy with the one you had.

    Also, dealership garages are always the most expensive.

  3. Either the shop is looney or you need to learn how to read numbers. At 1.6mil you’re better off throwing that car away and get another used car. Or put another mil or 2 and buy a new one.

  4. The chances are they are giving you a fuck off price because they don’t wanna do it or your reading of the price is wrong.

    It happens when mechanic has no experience on that specific system. You should probably take a quote from a mechanic that has experience on Subaru.

  5. Take it to any garage near your place and bring the parts by yourself. Get everything online and just ask for the replacement fee. You will save a lot of money

  6. I can understand brake pads being changed by why you need brake calipers changed?

    1,600,000 yen (if that is the actual amount) isn’t reasonable for a any kind of car maintenance. You can pretty much buy a new car with that money.

  7. Jesus Christ. Are you living in Kansai? 

    There is absolutely no reason to charge that much. Tell ’em to kick rocks. Subaru parts aren’t rare (especially in Japan) and mechanics in Japan are paid like shit in comparison to Australia and the US. 

    The mechanic I go to is a family acquaintance, and we basically get charged ‘at cost’. Wanna know how much an oil change costs me? 1000yen. Oil and oil element? 2000yen.

  8. oh hell no. that’s insane. as a mechanic working here I have to say dealerships will charge arm and leg for anything.

    I think you should ask a local 整備工場 if they can do it for you and buy parts yourself.
    and you don’t have to replace anything if nothing is broken. just change break pads if it’s worn up, doesn’t have to be genuine Subaru pads you can buy OEM or high quality 3rd party break pads . don’t change break fluid if it’s good. coolant change isn’t a must. oil changes doesn’t cost much.

  9. You keep mentioning they said the price verbally. Did you get a quote on paper? First off don’t let them touch anything without an itemized quote. There really must be some kind of misunderstanding here.

  10. Post an itemised list of what they’re proposing. This seems both overpriced and unnecessary.

  11. There is no way that costs 1.6 million yen and if it does, get aftermarket pads and rotors for 1/10th of that price.

  12. Simply absurd, you can get all the parts online for around 40,000 yen used, and go to an autobaccs, have one of the kids on staff change them for 3000 yen (one hour of labor).

    The odd part is, why do you need calipers? Did you run the brakes beyond the squealing to the point where they were rubbing pure metal?

    The new brakes should run you cheap, around 20,000 yen. So, your total cost should be around 23,000.

    They are gouging you because

    1. You are a woman
    2. You are a foreigner

    1.6 Million yen, the cost of a fricken apartment.

    The responses in this thread are so apathetic, and milk toast. The shop is trying to scam her, name and shame these losers.

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