IT freelance in Japan – Risk of conflict-of-interest?

Hi everyone, I hope you will be able to help me with my concern.

> I am currently working as an IT engineer for a hardware tech support company in Tokyo with a permanent contract. (company A)

> My shift is a bit strange because I work every week from Sunday to Wednesday.

> Hence with this free time I would like to work part time as an IT freelance. (I have already gathered all info for the immigration, the tax, etc… so there are no worries about these points)

> Thanks to my skills, I got approached by an IT consulting company (company B) here in Tokyo who is looking for freelance in IT infrastructure field. They have an interesting project at the time about SD-WAN deployment project for one of their end-client (company C).

> I have checked my current contract and there is no mention saying that side activities/freelance are forbidden. (One of my colleagues did freelance from time to time in the past and there was no issues).

> Company A and company B doesn’t have any relationship together, not competitors and not on the same markets. Company A provide IT hardware support and Company B is focused on digital transformation and deployment.

> Company C is also client of company A (basically providing hardware tech support), but this does not apply in Japan.

Company A and B cannot compete each other on this kind of HW support because not really on the same market.

>> What is worrying me is since company C is a client of both companies A and B, even if the field of action is different, may I end up in a conflict-of-interest situation?

What do you think about this ? Did you ever experience similar situations ?

Thanks for your answers in advance.

by DamsoNakano

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