[OnlyInJapan] Public Apology from Akagi for Raising Prices of GariGari-kun for the First Time in 8 Years

[OnlyInJapan] Public Apology from Akagi for Raising Prices of GariGari-kun for the First Time in 8 Years

by Raizzor

  1. I can’t imagine something like this happening in any other country, but in Japan, it almost feels normal. Akagi Nyugyo Co. apologizes in a public ad campaign for raising the prices of their popular GariGari-kun ice bar for the first time in 8 years from 70 to 80 yen.

    “This time, we bow even deeper,” says the ad referring to a similar ad campaign they ran in 2016 when the last price increase from 60 to 70 yen happened. Before 2016, the price has remained stable for 25 years.

  2. There’s not a single ice cream I can get for that money in my country. So I would still buy that, it’s still super cheap.

  3. This is their apology website that went up at the beginning of the month.


    If you go down the page, you’ll see they took preemptive apology photos (to save on costs) for the inevitable future price hikes. They keep bowing lower and lower and lower. 🙂

  4. Considering well over half the people in this pic are probably in their 60’s or more, there might just be something to this bowing culture thingy – I don’t think many elderly I know outside Japan could pose like this long enough for a photo and not just tip right over 😂

  5. It is truly cheap and truly delicious. This is the time when marketing and reality meet. Appreciate this moment, it is rare.

  6. Garigari kun!❤️❤️❤️❤️ still a great price❄️I have always thought Japan is a haven for affordable ice cream and amazing variety. I still do. But recently I went to a big German supermarket. Omfg. All Germans in the sub, I salute you🇩🇪❤️

  7. Isn’t cause there’s no inflation in Japan? If Japan’s economy ever becomes healthy again, maintaining the price of goods will become impossible.

  8. It’s helpful for patients in palliative care. (I’ve heard it’s very easy to eat.) The price increase is unavoidable, but I hope it ensures that the employees are paid appropriately.

  9. This doesn’t happen anymore. Over the last few years pretty much every item in Japan has seen multiple price increases, and nobodies apologizing.

  10. Meanwhile, the national pension premiums are going up by 460 yen as of next month, I can only presume the entire government is practicing its mass bow as we speak

  11. We Japanese apologize for everything. Last time I returned I laughed because the cashier said sorry to me for me not having their point card. 「ポイントカードをお持ちでしょうか?」「持ってないです」「申し訳ありませんでした」😂 thinking to myself 変だろこの会話

  12. 起業家
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    起業家 Space の CEO 兼チーフデザイナー Tesla, Inc. の CEO 兼製品設計者 The Boring Company の創設者 Neuralink、OpenAl の共同創設者。

  13. こんにちは👋 私の夢とキャリアをサポートしていただきありがとうございます。あなたをファンとして迎えることができて嬉しいです。そして、特に自由時間にファンと一緒に過ごすのはいつもとても楽しいです。

  14. こんにちは👋 私の夢とキャリアをサポートしていただきありがとうございます。あなたをファンとして迎えることができて嬉しいです。そして、特に自由時間にファンと一緒に過ごすのはいつもとても楽しいです。

  15. こんにちは👋 私の夢とキャリアをサポートしていただきありがとうございます。あなたをファンとして迎えることができて嬉しいです。そして、特に自由時間にファンと一緒に過ごすのはいつもとても楽しいです。

  16. In contrast, across the pacific there are places where you’re expected to tip at self service spots 😂

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