Izu Peninsula 4 days itinerary-trip report (East Coast, low-budget, no car)

Hey everyone! I wanted to share my Izu Peninsula trip. It took 4 days and I started my trip from Yokohama. Since I was an exchange student, I had a low-budget trip without a car. I don’t remember the hours well, so please don’t take them as certain reference. I hope it helps!

**1st day (24 Feb)**

\- Taking the train with the first lights of the morning (I didn’t take the limited express one, the cheapest route offered by Maps)

\- Took the Jogasaki Trail, starting from the north (the point is Jogasaki Picnical Course on the Maps), until the bus stop after the lighthouse

\- Going to Mount Omuro by bus, I didn’t take the cable car since everywhere was brown, and didn’t see.

\- Eating in Honke Maguroya Izukogen

\- Staying in Pension Sunny Salad

**2nd day**

\- I woke up at 6 and headed to the Kawazu Waterfalls by train and bus. My goal was to go to the old tunnel by following the Odoriko Trail; however, snow started and the middle of the route was closed because of maintenance until end of the April (as far as I remember) so I couldn’t complete it.

\- Eating in Masumi Diner

\- Chilling in Hokkawa Onsen, just near the ocean.

\- Staying in Izu Hokkawa Seaside Guesthouse

**3rd day**

\- Going to Shimoda

\- Visiting Perry Road and Shimoda local fish market (there are also other stores)

\- Took a bus to Shirahama Beach, visited the famous shrine

\- Walked down until to the train station (I’d suggest walking through the ocean view), swimming in the Sotoura Beach

\- Going back to Atami and staying in Atami Onsen Guest House Megumi

**4th day**

\- Walking to the Kinomiya Shrine (not necessary)

\- Going to the Kiunkaku, good to visit an old luxurious Japanese ryokan

\- Walking to the Atami castle. This hit hard, I didn’t expect to climb to the other way of the town. But it was amazing with the town view, then I found out about Relics Pagoda which I thought a telecommunication stuff at first from the other side of the town. It has a very different style and is gorgeous. Nobody was around. Then going to Atami Castle, you see the ocean view. When I arrived at Atami Castle, I didn’t even hesitate NOT to go in after this amazing trip! 🙂

\- Going back to Yokohama


\- Buy the Izukyuko line pass. I bought it only for the train as I was told there is no bus but as I’ve seen on Reddit there might be, so please check.
\- There are sometimes observation trains on the Izokyuko line, ask about the schedule and take one.

\- Eat a Melon Pan in Kikkodo after Kiunkaku.

\- Highly suggested: Hokkawa Onsen, Relics Pagoda

by sevketp2

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