Surprise school closure but parents have asked to continue with me privately, what do I need to do?

Long story short, the place I’ve been working this year is closing which came as a surprise. I guess I wasn’t terrible as many of the parents have asked if I can do private lessons.

I don’t have PR and have only been here a few years. I have basic Japanese but no qualifications in the language.

I have run a business in the past, but not in Japan.

I don’t have premises, but figured online and 1-1 in-person lessons at homes could be fine too.

I have no idea how I’d set up a company or some legal means of operating.

I don’t know if I would need some kind of insurance to operate.

Everyone seems so keen, it seems like a good opportunity considering how much the school was charging them per lesson, I can offer lessons for less too.

Is it possible foe me to teach private lessons and have a part-time job or full-time job? Thinking of the visa situation. I’m on humanities with 3 years remaining. I know most companies will not want anyone moonlighting and having two incomes makes taxes more difficult.

I would really appreciate advice from those who have tried to set up a company (success or failure). I have been through Reddit and spent the past few days Googling this but it seems starting a school has a very high failure rate. I have a decent amount of interested parents, and if they were to follow through, it would be enough to live off of.

Good idea/bad idea, better off finding another school, or is there a possibility of making this work?

The longer I leave it I worry they will just sign their kids up to somewhere else.



Thanks for your time.


by strayshadow

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