Anyone heard of CTW Inc. ?

I’ve been on the job hunt for a software development/data role in Japan for some time now and I came across this company named (CTW Inc.)\[[](\] . I have a call scheduled with the recruiter next week for a Data Analyst position. Has anyone ever heard of this company? If you have, are they reliable? I saw a LinkedIn user comment on one of the job posting saying negative things about their contracts being scammy. Just want to get some insight. If this is the wrong place to post this, please redirect me to the subreddit that is better suited for this type of question.

by hiroisgod

  1. The company operates html-based games.

    The service they run is very much disliked in Japan for their fraudulent and excessive advertising. They display a lot of ads with slightly sexualized illustrations of cute female characters. However, you can hardly see such illustrations on the actual game screen (or you have to pay a high fee).

    They run an unusually large number of ads, and I believe they spend a lot of money on analyzing the effectiveness of these ads.

  2. Checking online, they seem the standard small Japanese company.
    You will be paid little, be expected to do some overtime.
    Follow some stupid rules
    Need to work hard
    Learn some things

    Are you looking to break into data analytics and are you seeing this as a 1-2 year learning company?
    If so, it may be worth it. If not, you will likely be disappointed.
    This type of company will likely inflate the earnings with about 50万 a year. So if you want 400万, you will need to negotiate for 450万.

  3. They’re the Japanese equivalent of those scumbags that produce money-pit games like Royal Match.

    They’re pretty much reviled – and their corporate ethics are pretty shady, obviously.

    Wouldn’t touch them with a bargepole. Even if you could trust them to pay you, you wouldn’t want to work at a place where you’re ashamed to say your employer’s name to friends and family.

  4. I interviewed with them a couple of years ago, but didn’t get the job. A friend of mine did also. However, based on that interview process they seemed weird. My friend’s interview was basically a full day’s worth of actual work that they paid with with an Amazon gift card lol. Based off the games they make though, I think we dodged a bullet.

  5. I know the company well, DM me if needed, I cannot say more in a public space. This company is facing several legal challenges for various reasons and has an incredibly high turnover rate.

  6. I know the company well, I suggest reading Glassdoor reviews for real experiences on working there. You can DM me

  7. I’m another person who used to work there. If you have any questions left, feel free to DM me.

  8. Stay away from them, definitely.

    Even if you were to enjoy kissing ass in the corporate world, it’s not worth it for the amount of direct/indirect harassment that you might suffer and the extremely short tenure you might experience. The moment you climb the ranks either by survival or otherwise, you will become unable to take days off, because managers will tell you ‘社会人の常識なので’.

    As someone else said, take a look at glassdoor, and maybe warn a friend.

  9. I did some interviews and even a “trial day”, unpaid of course, about 2 years ago for a position in customer support.

    I found it hard to determine if it was a ok company or a bad one. I also found the reviews on websites such as glass door which said it wasn’t a good company but I thought it would be better than English teaching. The pay was reasonable(ish) and the company provided free lunch after 3 months, I think, and a standing desk, which was attractive. After messing me around they told me they are moving offices and have to put off the hiring process for an indefinite period of time (like months maybe) and I was like I can’t be unemployed for months with only a verbal promise of maybe having a job so I moved on to other (and eventually better) things.

    Looking back, a big red flag was an interaction between the lady who was in charge of the customer support section and the Japanese side of things. I remember a Japanese guy coming over and having fairly stern words with the nice lady about the progress of something, in front of everyone.

    Looking at the other comments here, I see I dodged a bullet by not joining. It can be very difficult to tell if a company is “white”or at least light grey and there are many pitifalls when searching for a job here. It’s nice to see people sharing their experiences. You can’t really have any room for doubt after seeing all of the not very positive comments.

  10. I heard about them when I was in the early stages of job hunting last year. They had a bombastic top salary range for all positions so I figured I’d give it a go.

    They sent me a generic reply with substantial homework which I decided not to do as I was feeling a bit under the weather then and didn’t want to push myself too much.

    I think the experience of going through the interview steps could’ve been valuable, but I doubt I’d be taking the offer in the end as the reported salaries were lower than my expectations.

  11. Had an interview with them about 2 years ago, didn’t make it past the first round.

  12. Can’t comment publicly but send me a message. I have heard things about them from my network

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