legit sword training in Japan?

I’m residing in Japan and I wanted to join a school where I could do samurai-like training, mainly in the sword. There’s super touristy ones in Kyoto and Tokyo but I wanted to jin a long-term one, I was wondering if these even exist and what keywords and where I should search for to find them? Hoping such schools even exist today so this might be a dumb question.

I know there’s Kendo (a little popular in the USA) but I was wondering if there’s more traditional ones too.

Apologies, my english ass is having a hard time searching for them without just landing on a page and being “ah fu\*\* this is just another touristy bait, put on some armor for a few mins, and charge 8k yen”
I live in Kyoto but I’m thinking of moving to another city and this was a factor for me. Arigato!

by SuperSaiyan1010

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