In need of medical treatment only available in Japan

Hello all,

I am an American with no Japanese language skills or experience. I currently suffer from a very painful herniated disc that is bulging onto my sciatic nerve.

Long story short I am looking for help with someone who speaks and reads the language to help me book an appointment for this procedure.

I am not looking for any hand outs.

I just need help getting the appointment scheduled so I can obtain a visa. I can pay for the trip and procedure myself. Here is the treatment I need.

condoliase – seikagaku corporation – Also known as Hernicore.

How do I book an appointment for this procedure? I need to book an appointment in May. Thank you.

  1. Have you checked if their company offer English speaking employees to speak to?

  2. You are in need of a medical translator. In the US hospitals and clinics are required by law to provide an interpreting/translation service. I’m not sure if there are similar laws in Japan but I’d strongly recommend finding a professional service if the hospital you are going to doesn’t offer it.

    IMO It’s not worth the risk having someone who isn’t trained and insured translating medical documentation.

  3. Private hospitals usually have someone in administration with English language skills that takes care of foreign patients from booking, through the procedures and all the way to release. Try emailing them in English and leave detailed contact info in your message.

    You can start off your message this way:

    (Sorry to bother you, I’m an American and I don’t understand Japanese.)

    Proceed to write the rest of your message in English and be patient as a reply may take a couple of days. Even a big hospital might have only one person capable of handling a case like yours and their schedule is out of your control.

    Good luck!

    ps – getting into Japan is still complicated right now.

  4. Thank you so much. I will try that. I did speak to the Japanese embassy and they said I could come if I had an appointment that was booked there already.

  5. I suffer from pretty much the same type of condition as you do, but I’ve never heard of the treatment only available in Japan. Do you mind sharing some details about it?

  6. The hospitals in Japan (Okinawa at least)
    Have Japanese residents training at US military hospitals So if you do get in contact with someone, I’d imagine they would have someone able to translate.

    Also, I don’t know for sure – so forgive me if you think I’m trying to be negative, I’m not. Are the Japanese allowing foreigners other than military to travel to Japan? Due to covid.

  7. I recommend also try posting this in r/japanlife It’s a subreddit for expats in Japan… where as r/japanese is mostly for language related questions.

    Someone there is likely to have a recommendation for how to proceed, and may even have a clinic recommendation.

  8. I’m confused. I assume you aren’t living in Japan because you’re talking about paying for the trip and getting a visa. Why would you go all the way to Japan for a procedure that can easily be done in America?

    Forgive me if I’m being ignorant to your condition. I’m sincerely not trying to be a dick.

  9. Why are you trying to contact Seikagaku Corp.? This is a pharmaceutical company and I don’t think they’re going to help you getting the treatment you need.

    I think you need to contact your nearest japanese embassy/consulate and ask about the requirements to get a medical visa. You might want to take a look [here]( . There were a few articles before Covid discussing medical tourism in Japan, check this [one]( and then search for a hospital [here]( and contact them for more information. I think this will put you in the right path to find the treatment you need.

  10. Thank you. Unfortunately this procedure is not offered in the United States yet. It is a few years away from being approved by the FDA. I must go to Japan or have my back drilled in surgery.

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