Uni (Sea Urchin Roe)

Uni (Sea Urchin Roe)

Uni (Sea Urchin Roe) from sushi

  1. I’ve made the gunkan style before, thought I’d skip the nori and double up on the uni this time. These are santa barbara ones which are typically in season November – April. They were still really plump and sweet.

    Fun fact: Uni is technically the gonad/milt of the urchin

  2. This just brought up a moment that traumatized me but also I fully forgot about it.

    My family and I went to our favorite sushi place and my dad and I saw the sea urchin roll on the menu. We noticed that it was more expensive to get 2 pieces of the sea urchin roll than it was for an entire roll of everything else they had.

    We figured it must’ve been REALLY good if it was priced and sold like that. That was not the case.

    When it got to the table, the STINK emitting from that thing was foul. We both tried it and IMMEDIATELY started gagging violently. IMMEDIATELY.

    It was SICK. ROTTEN. I’m not exaggerating when I say…I couldn’t convince myself that someone didn’t just hover above the rice and void their bowels. It was fascinatingly vile. I still think it was actually rotten or expired or something.

    In conclusion, you do you, but I will never entertain the idea of even getting near that dish ever again.

  3. Agreed that it’s overpriced at most restaurants, but Santa Barbara Uni is usually not that good though :(.

    Edit since people seem to find this controversial. I’ve had santa barbara uni probably 50+ times as I’ve lived in california for a while and it has always been a mixed bag. It can go from amazing to mediocre, which is why I usually just avoid it.

  4. I’m allergic to uni. Makes my lips tingle and numb when I have it.

    But it’s definitely a must have for any omakase night.

  5. San Fran here… how do you politely ask a restaurant if the uni if fresh without insulting the chef? And is it polite to ask how old it is?

  6. Price of uni varies wildly depending on its quality. This is true of a lot of high quality sushi, but I think the variance is more wide with uni, anago, otoro, and other stuff that is harder to source well or consistently, at least in the US.

  7. OP has Wrong title… They are not the ‘Roe’ of the sea urchin but rather its gonads

  8. I really feel like this guy is low key calling out the sushi restaurant industry

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