Japanese Only place south of Fukushima station

Japanese Only place south of Fukushima station

by cinkjinner

  1. You also can’t enter the store if you’re alone or if you’re with family so I think they’re trying to cultivate a very specific environment. Not saying that’s good, just that I don’t think bias against foreigners is their primary motivation here

  2. Oh I know that place. Food sucks anyway and the guy gets salty about it if you tell him. Just avoid it

  3. “Hey man! We said no families!”

    “This my mistress bro!”

    “Well come on in you two! What’ll it be? Can I get you guys a drink?”

  4. This place has been posted before. It’s just doing the outrage rounds again.
    Some basic angry white guy either found it online or walked past.
    I don’t really care. Do you?

  5. I was really surprised when I first came to japan and saw signs like „arabs welcome“ cuz of course I had no idea that they wouldn‘t be welcome. I think every country has some racist people, they might don‘t write it on the door, but they will make you feel not welcomed or say it. The japanese society in itself has a lot of chains is a jail to some people, so I don‘t expect a newspaper picking that up in japan. It‘s not my country, but honestly I‘m kinda glad abt this sign in a country where no ones tells you directly their opinion. On this you instantly see that this shop won‘t be a nice vibe, thats better than the other way around. And signs like foreigners welcome“ are kinda cute too. In my country it would be sad to explicitly say that, but if you are honestly afraid, because you are a victim of racism I guess that makes you feel more comfortable. I don‘t give a shit if some random japanese dude doesn‘t allow foreigner in his shop. I was in so many bars were drunk elderly people told me sexist shit, that I am really sick of that. So honesty that prevents you from being confronted with that shit in the first place is nice.

  6. “can’t enter if you are alone”
    -I see-

    “Can’t enter with family”
    -that’s weird..-

    “japanese only”

  7. They might just mean that don’t speak any English or have English menus, not that foreigners aren’t welcome.

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