Need advice on how to get out of renting from my company to owning a car.

Basically as the title states, though I will give a bit more details down here.

I have been working with the company I am with for the last 2 and a half years. I have been renting a car from them that entire time for ¥20,000 a month. At first this was fine, since I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be here in Japan and I was still able to save money due to the area I was in not costing much from month to month. Over the course of the first year and a half I was able to save up ¥300,000 so I thought I was doing ok.

I had to move last year and regrettably wasn’t really given much help with said relocation and had to eat away all of what I saved to cover everything. My monthly costs have skyrocketed and now I’m barely living paycheck to paycheck. I have a sleuth of financial issues, but the only one I can reasonably do anything about currently is this. Any advice on where I should start or if I could at least find a cheaper way to rent? I’ve been looking online and it seems that I’m paying quite a bit just to rent when I could just own an older car and only really need to worry every two years for the shaken. I also live by myself, so I don’t really need a massive car or anything. Just enough to get to work and potentially let me move from my current apartment in the future.

Any and all advice is welcome, and if this is the wrong sub-reddit for this I do apologize. I’ve never used this site much outside of the occasional info-page.

by Pyroberserker

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