Bus driver accused me of not paying the full fee and took more money from me.

So today I took the bus I usually take, and as I always do, prepared the amount I should pay for my ride “370 yen” and I made sure several times that it is the correct amount. I paid and got off the bus, then after few meters someone called me saying that the bus driver is calling you. My first thought was that I forgot something in the bus, however, after few seconds I understood with my non-existent japanese that the bus driver was trying to say that I did not pay. I pointed at the screen and gestured for the amount I paid but he argued that I paid only partially (something in neighborhood of “110 yen”), I denied and I said “no, I paid 370 yen, pointing to the amount on the screen” but he insisted that I didn’t and he said “I checked”. His attitude was disgusting. I am 2000% sure that I paid the full amount but I was so embarrassed and in such situation I couldn’t think straight, so I gave him my wallet and he took the imaginary amount I did not pay “200 yen and some 10 yen coins”. I was honestly dumbfounded for a while after that and I was running late, so I just went on with my day feeling like crap the whole day. it’s been 12 hours and I still can’t let go of the incident. Should I file a complaint about the incident tomorrow! Any advice is appreciated.


To clarify a few things since some people on reddit are not the brightest:

1_ I am not saying the bus driver scammed me, what I believe happened is a mistake. It was a relatively long line of people getting off, either he confused how much I put in with someone else’s or someone truly made a mistake of underpaying. But in either case he decided to put it on me, was rude in doing so like he was dealing with a criminal and didn’t even double check when I denied it.

2_ I know japanese is essential, but I have no magic wand to speak it in a matter of seconds, it’s a long process that takes time. But until then, I don’t think a rude attitude is justified no matter the context. Which is something you can tell from someone’s tone and body language even if you don’t speak the language.

3_ I usually double check everything multiple times, be it if I closed the door, turned off the gas, the amount of coins and so on. This time around my battery was running low so I found myself checking more times than usual.

4_ I have emailed a complaint to the company so thanks everyone for your input.

by whiteshirtkid

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