Cryptocurrency exchanges and getting started in Japan

Hi everyone!

So I’m moving to Japan after the sale of my house in Canada, and I’m thinking of using some of the proceeds for day trading dogecoin or something like that. I have an NDAX account set up in Canada that I never ended up putting any money in and was wondering if I should use that and just keep everything in CAD until it’s time to transfer it to Japan or to make a new one here?

In terms of taxing, would it get hit with the foreign income flat rate (is that 15% or 25%?) or something else?

Would it be better to have it as a Japan based income (if this is possible) and be taxed as taxable income?(isn’t there a special tax for capital gains/cryptocurrency?)

Edit: also, is there a live monitor app I can use to follow tickers/crypto? Something I can have open on a second monitor while I’m working to time the market appropriately?

TIA, you guys rock!

by Shoddy-Coffee-8324

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