I have a question regarding itaku contract and haken.
Currently I’m in a dispatch company and in talks to become a direct hire with my school. But my company says that I’m an itaku contract. But my company is registered as a haken company and per my contract my hours and days are set by the company. And my company deducts health, pension, EI, income tax. They also pay for transportation. Would this be haken or itaku? I have no freedom in choosing my working days or hours. I have to have all conversations with my company regarding paid leave and work related issues. My role is EFL I work set hours and have set number of classes and additional work on Fridays.
I’m in a pickle as my school tells me that if we fight against the company. My company could take legal actions against me if my contract is itaku.
I want to fight against as the other option is continue with the company and have them change the contract and try again next next year. ( problem with this is I don’t think dispatch companies will make that process easy)
Can anyone offer any insight into this?
Or provide some links that I can use as ammo if my company decides to take action.
(Also my company is small 50-200 people. Dealing with private schools. )
by Swimming-Cellist7972