Allergy Season & Medicine

Allergy season is coming real fast, you may be like me and already being impacted by it.

After talking with a few non-Japanese friends who also experience similar allergy symptoms, I realized that maybe some people don’t know this:

Going to the Doctor, getting a blood test to see which pollen you are allergic to and getting a prescription is cheaper and more effective than off-the-shelf brands at the drug store.

I did my blood test a while ago at my local clinic, but if I remember correctly it was roughly 2,000Â¥. The prescription for 60 days (day time + sleep) costed me 2,000Â¥, the pills themselves was 1,500Â¥.

It’s effective because it will cater directly to your needs, cheaper in the long run too. If your local clinic offers those allergen tests, I highly recommend it.

by hbn14

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