Why my tax is so high

Dear JapanFinance reddit members, I apologize for asking such foolish question. I am still newbie about tax system in Japan, and I am sorry if I violate the group rules. But allow me to explain my condition. Now I am working as laboratorium assistance in a national university around south kyushu with tentative salary depending on my working hours. If there is national holiday, so I couldnt get money. But I work for 40 hours per week. I have family with 2 children. I attached the picture about the annual salary and tax. Would you comment and suggest about my tax?
Thank you

by Kuframous

  1. Your tax is ¥37,600. It’s not at all high or out of line. Why do you believe that ¥37,600 worth of tax is high on a ¥3 million salary?

  2. come to northern European countries
    u get 50% deducted from ur salary
    it hurts

  3. Just ran the numbers, your tax is perfectly calculated by whoever did your Nencho.
    You ended up paying 37,600 which is perfectly accurate. You’ve effectively paid 1.26% of your gross annual salary.

  4. I made 540,000 last month from one company (freelancing) and paid almost 170,000 in tax!

  5. Judging by this, you should have gotten 2,544,000 yen deposited into your bank account over the year 2023 (Jan. – Dec.).

    If your deposits add up to far less than that, then there is a problem.

  6. Now you have realized what a joke is Japan. Brace for a tsunami of comments to tell you it’s fine/no problem/taxes are good and other BS. Wait until you realize those deduction are BS too as is cheaper to travel to a country in SEA to do your teeth or other simple things, even without insurance. And it seems you are new here. Wait until next year when you will have to pay resident tax as well.

  7. You paid a perfectly normal amount of tax AND likely got some back during year end deductions.

  8. Damn. I pay around 240.000 monthly … 
    I hope my retirement will be more than that 

  9. You paid JPY 418,317 in social tax. As others have mentioned, JPY 37,600 was national income tax.

    Social tax is part of the national health insurance, pension insurance, unemployment, and the like. The services aren’t bad and the tax is lower than most other OECD countries. You can reference the OECD comparisons on the website for the Tax Foundation at [taxfoundation.org](https://taxfoundation.org).

  10. Haha I’m paying 48% taxes for the past 3 months. That high but you have it made.

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