Anybody else work with one of “those” people who crack a lot of cringe jokes about the female students?

So I’m coming up on 30 and I’ve only been in Japan for a few months. Back in the U.S. I was a teacher for non-profit organizations and had some administrative gigs here and there. Hopped over to Japan to escape the confines of life closing in on me as I rapidly aged without feeling accomplished in anything and now I’m applying for jobs in China because holy shit do they pay better like yes I’ll take that risk fill my bank with $4,000 USD for 120 teaching hours each month.


Where I work now near Osaka I have one of *those* coworkers who is for lack of a better work “uncomfortably” involved with Japanese culture. And he makes a lot of jokes that could probably fill any blank spots in the Zodiac Killer’s manifestos. Every. Single. Time. I keep a client over the time by a couple minutes he drops a *Naughty naughty, keep it on Bumble, even if they’re cute* and I can’t help but die a little inside knowing at some point in the distant past we likely share an ancestor who at that moment is regretting their decision to procreate as they watch our lives from the great beyond. And most of these girls are high school students or college kids. Like come on man. I get it, you’re horny, but have some class.

What I hate the most is it somehow gets me lumped into the same category as him and I had one of the Japanese staff ask me why a class went over by 5 minutes, despite all of my private classes going over by at least 5 minutes, because the client was a young woman. I explained that she had just been bumped up a level and was struggling with the more complex grammar structures.

But still. The… look. I’m not a horny gaijin. I’m just a regular gaijin. Like, Pokemon card collecting gaijin. Ugh…

Anyone else deal with coworkers like this?

by Pennyhawk

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