Is this travel timeframe possibe/reasonable?

Hi guys, I’m going to Japan for the first time on Thursday. To make a long story short, some things happened which caused me to delay my trip by a week. My original plan was spend 5 days in Tokyo and 4 days in Osaka with friends, but with the delay the new plan is 5 days in Osaka first and then 3 days to end it in Tokyo. However, I am flying in to Narita and scheduled to land around 2:30pm JST. I’m from the west coast in the USA so I imagine jet lag may factor into this question:

Is it feasable to try and catch a flight straight from Narita to Kansai which departs at 3:55pm JST? Would it take too long to go through customs and navigate the airport? I am only bringing on carry-on luggage so I would not have to wait for any checked baggage. Would it be better to try and find a later flight? Or would it be better to maybe just go straight to Tokyo, get a cheap capsule hotel and refresh and make the journey to Osaka the next day in the morning? My time here in Japan is going to be shorter than I originally wanted to that’s the only reason I’m trying to see if it’s possible to push myself a bit here. Thanks!

by PixelPepeGamer

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