
I am starting to learn some kanji currently and I need a tip on how many should I learn everyday, I chose to learn 10 everyday but what do you guys think?

  1. Choose how much that you can remember because it’s really a personal choice. For me, i like to learn 10-20 or so kanji then consume media and try to catch the kanji in context instead of an example sentence

  2. It’s personal. Some people can manage 20 or more a day. I usually do 5 because I’m bad at it. If I’m really tired I’ll just revise because I know new ones won’t go in anyway. If I’m feeling good I might do 10 or more. Just try a few a day, then increase it if it’s easy, and don’t be scared to decrease it if it’s too difficult. Same with daily amounts, it doesn’t have to be the same *every* day.

    All Japanese, but particularly Kanji, is a marathon not a sprint. Don’t try and rush it, just learn at your pace.

  3. Are you using an spaced repetition system such as Anki?

    I usually aim for 10-20 items per day. I use WaniKani to learn Kanji.

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