Thinking about moving back to Japan as a half Japanese person

Hello all,

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read. I am a half Japanese, half Canadian man, 19, currently finishing up a degree in communications and media studies in Canada. As the title suggests, I have previously lived in Japan throughout my life and am in the process of acquiring my Japanese passport (I have my kouseki and am in the process of attaining one with the local embassy).

My relationship with the Japanese language is semi-unique in that I can read all hiragana and katakana, and I also can read a little kanji at about a 1st or 2nd grade level. In terms of speaking, I am fluent at a conversational level, with good grammar. However, much of my language is childish and informal (not great keigo), as my language skills developed from birth to early childhood.

**Given that I will obtain my passport, how difficult would it be for me to work and live in Japan in the future? If anyone has any information about being in a similar situation and how difficult or easy it is to find employment/housing, please let me know. Additionally, if any of you have any recommendations for improving my Japanese, please let me know.**

For additional context, I do have a parent who currently lives in Japan, however we do not have a close connection. Despite this he would likely be able to aid me in the process of moving, however he is quite difficult to deal with. If there is any way I can guide him to help me I would appreciate information on this too.

Also, if anyone has any information on doing remote work in Japan, as many positions in my field offer remote opportunities (for example, working for a Canada-based company in Japan), I would appreciate it.

Thank you!

by Kero0423

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