Elon Musk warns Japan will cease to exist if birthrate continues decline

Elon Musk warns Japan will cease to exist if birthrate continues decline


  1. That’s such a dumb thing to say. Japan is extremely overcrowded. How could it cease to exist?!

  2. And in other news, RuPaul believes the US should emphasize research into converting coal-fired industrial and commercial process heat to electricity.

  3. In typical Elon fashion, he tries to seem relevant by stating the obvious but in a much stupider way.

  4. Why does he summarize everything in a completely stupid way every time lmfao.

  5. Most “first world nations” have birth rates insufficient to self sustain, but they have immigration to make up for it. A country won’t “cease” to exist because of a less than a 2.1 (population replacement) birth rate.

    Canada only has 0.1 higher birth rate than Japan and Finland, Greece, Italy, South Korea, Singapore and Spain all have lower birth rates than Japan, but I don’t see people making weird fetishizing comments about their countries.

  6. Except it is declining everywhere in the rich countries.
    I really wish people would stop to take Japan for the ‘exception’ for everything alarming.

  7. Way to extrapolate that curve into Infinity.

    Also, if my toddler continues growing at the current rate, he will destroy the earth in 25,000 years.

  8. This guy is his own worst enemy. He really should skim the latest national birthrate increase policy which is clearly explained in Harem Marriage and a number of similar manga series. Seems about as likely as what he’s proposing. Most Tokyo commuters will not have a problem with reduced crowding.

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