Part-time job cutting my hours to 0 but still contracted

Hello everyone, throwaway due to privacy reasons.

To start i am not the only one in this situation, some time ago I signed a contract with this company. Working conditions seem fine but when going through some things, which i might have considered normal in my previous employments, are a bit… different (to give an example, not being enrolled in shakai hoken right from the get go and not doing our taxes).

To start off, it’s on a part-time contract (35h/w ), due to the nature of the job, there are sometimes where there just isn’t any work. So we don’t work those days, we get paid by hour. Recently a lot of the staff got “laid-off”, but we still have our contracts with them. There were a couple of projects in the oven but not everybody got in those.

My question comes here, even those that got in these new projects (AKA working hours) we had to leave the shakai hoken and enroll on the kokumin hoken, but we are still contracted as in we signed the new contracts but we are not getting hours. Is this common? even legal?

To add a little more context we got our certificate of loss of health insurance eligibility(健康保険厚生年金保険喪失証明書), but i never had to do this when changing companies, Is it necessary to do this?

My previous jobs(full-time) have been through haken companies so none of this stuff was present, they did a lot of the “work” i guess i am now having to do. From filing taxes to enrollment in ensurance/pension system.


Thanks in advances and apologies for being all over the place, not a native english speaker


by Throwaway546254

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