Pronunciation question (simple/noob)

I’ve been learning Japanese for a few months now and had a quick question. I’m not sure if it’s dialect related or if I’m just wrong/misunderstanding.

I was under the influence that ‘shu’ was always pronounced, more or less, like ‘shoe’ in English.
Was watching an anime and they said “Where is the shopkeeper?”
The character just said “tenshu wa” which im assuming is just shorthand and under context just meant what was translated?

I’m probably wrong as I’m still learning but this is a two parter question

1. He pronounced tenshu more like ‘tenjo wa’
So am I misunderstanding that?

2. Would it be normal for someone to actually say “tenshu wa doko desu ka?” Assuming I have that right in the first place

Bonus 3. Is tenshu even the right word for shopkeeper or am I a big dummy?

Very sorry in advance for this post I honestly randomly chose a segment from my anime I’m watching to dissect and see what I can pick up on and was immediately confused. Better sooner than later I suppose.

by Not-Your_Senpai

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