Student Visa to Work Visa..? (Need help)

So I’ve wanted to move to Japan for quite a bit now. I want to become a Manga artist (yes I’m aware that is a hard thing to do I don’t want advice on that part lol).

What I’m wondering is if I can move to Japan by going to a language school and while I’m doing that, submit my submissions to manga companies.

Assuming I’m accepted into a company, can I change my student visa to a working visa..?

I know my situation is very specific, that’s why I’m asking it here. I can’t find the answers to what I’m trying to find.

So basically my main questions are: Can I apply to a language school then use the extra time I have there to apply to jobs I want. And if I get one, can I change my visa?

If any of this is stupid I’m very sorry. Feel free to give any advice in the comments.

by iloveblueberriez

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