Visualization website for Japanese public data

Various Japanese government agencies publish a ton of data, however they are often only available in xls/csv format and need to be manually cross-referenced. For example:

* Want to know which city in Tokyo has the most people from a given country? [This site]( has the number of foreigners per city (区 and 市) for each country.
* Want to see how this compares to the overall population of the city? You need to get that data from [another spreadsheet](
* Want to see how this changed overtime? Prepare to check and cross reference multiple spreadsheets manually
* Want to know how much a city spends on education? The [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications publishes the budget of all municipalities of Japan]( in a single spreadsheet (technically 4: one for an overview, one detailing the income sources, and two detailing the expenses, but each contains all municipalities of the country)
* But this data doesn’t really make sense without knowing the population or the population under 18, which you need to source elsewhere (e.g. [from here]( for Tokyo)
* Or maybe you want to see it per the number of schools? [That data is also available for Tokyo](, but again another set of spreadsheets

There is even an [open dataset portal]( by the Digital Agency that aims to collect these sources, though [not all links are kept up-to-date apparently](

Which brings me to my question: is there any site that visualizes and lets people query these datasets easily?

Here are the potential ones that I found:

* the Data Portal has a [showcases section](, but those only include 6 showcases
* the [RESAS]( system is [dubbed as]( “the world’s largest national economic data viz tool”. It’s a bit hard to use, but still the best I could find
* [Data Commons]( by Google looks like the perfect future tool, but currently it only has very basic data from Japan

by Ok_Philosopher_7716

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