Had my ALT interview and I feel like I bombed it. Does anyone have any thoughts or assurance?

I’m really sorry because I feel like I’m just coming across as dramatic and fishing for praise here. I promise, I’m not–I’m just kind of a mess after my interview today.

I feel certain I won’t get in. I felt like I was very unconfident during the mock lesson and it took me almost two full minutes to actually get started because I misunderstood the prompt and even had to ask “I think I’m misunderstanding, am I teaching in Japanese or English?” and then it was supposed to be to high school students but I had no idea what the expected proficiency was by that point so I think I spoke way too slowly and simplistically (though when I tried to be a bit more complicated the “student” interviewers responded with confusion). I think the mock lesson showed me crumbling under pressure, like, I did my best to keep going and carry on but it was clear I lacked confidence.

I also was too vague with my future plans, I feel like. I said I genuinely don’t know what I want to do with my life but JET will help me to figure out if teaching is something I want to pursue in the future and whether whatever I end up wanting to do with my life is in Japan or not.

Moreover, the interviewers seemed very… unimpressed? I think that’s the best word for it. In particular, the former JET ALT on my interview just looked like she was so incredibly unimpressed with me and my answers the whole time.

I did alright on the Japanese portion, and I have, from my understanding, a strong application, strong SoP, and two strong rec letters. But man. This interview has absolutely decimated my confidence in my application and my chances of getting in. I feel like that mock lesson sealed my fate.

Does anyone have any advice or guidance? Either on how not to overthink until placement announcements, or assurance that I maybe didn’t fail outright?

Edit: forgot to mention, but I also didn’t ask any questions to my interview panel. Which is also making me worry more 😅

by Shins_be_fancy

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