What are companies looking for in an interviewee in Japan

In general, I find technical interviews here in Japan to be far easier than that I face in my home country. Most of the interviews here are behavioural in nature. But, I’ve been rejected so many times now. Sometimes, after 4-5 rounds of interviews. Many times on resume level and few times just after one round of interview.

1. When I get rejected after 4-5 rounds of interview, they come up saying that they found a better Candidate than me. I speculate compensation reasons as well. I’m thought being from AI background I should Target for more.
2. I don’t even know why my resume gets rejected sometimes. But, that doesn’t hurt that much. it just irritates. Sometimes it is because, I just speak conversational Japanese.
3. And then there are these interviews that goes great but they reject me for a reason I can’t even figure out. Most commonly asked questions in such interviews are why data science, why MBA, why Japan.. ?

3rd type just not hurts me most, but I am left to speculate, “why?”. I don’t know how to improve.

Is it common? Or I’m overthinking?

1 comment
  1. Each company is different, but

    * most companies prefer to have mediocre people who are grateful to have a job than someone overqualified and may eventually turn resentful toward the company
    * most employers try to avoid people who can’t change themselves and their ways to fit into the situation given to you. This is why the ask you why this job and why Japan: if you say you hated your last industry or your country it means you couldn’t fit in.
    * some employers put more emphasis on your age, gender and general work history

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