Some questions about past verb + なら vs past verb + としたら・とすれば , and also about verb + のなら in general

So I was reading up on it to make sure I get the nuances in general, but a quick Google didn’t really turn anything immediately useful up. If there are already resources out there on this, please share! Anyway, my questions:


1) is there a difference between verb -たなら and -たとしたら , or are they the same? For example:


If the car went over the cliff, they are dead now. [(source)](



Is this the same? I want to say the second somehow feels even more uncertain of whether the car went over the cliff or not, but I’m not a native so who knows.

2) Is there any trick to when のなら should be used? For example I learned recently that 〜のだろうか has stronger 不安・心配 nuance than だろうか , which was really eye opening. Does a similar thing apply to のなら , or is it just used with any of the many ways nominalizer の is used rather than restricted to certain senses?

Apologies if these questions are simple, I’m delirious at 1am and probably should have just slept on it before asking about such basic grammar points 😅

by Moon_Atomizer

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