Ghosn shares damning new documents

Ghosn shares damning new documents

  1. Now Ghosn, 68 and living in Lebanon, has it in his possession again and has given Asia Times permission to release that document as well as an earlier 2013 proposal – in the process dropping a legal bombshell on the Japanese government’s case against both himself and Kelly because the documents show indisputably that Nissan and the prosecutors’ office didn’t tell the truth.

    Moreover, those documents reveal in stark terms how the prosecutors’ office was able to pervert justice (not only in this individual case but also in the service of maintaining its overall 99% conviction rate).

    We can also see how the documents, on top of others we’ve published, provided further evidence for the argument that Nissan was motivated by nothing other than its real motivation: a desire to block Renault from merging Nissan and making it a de facto subsidiary of the French automaker.

    We also have the names of 25 executives, current and former, going all the way up to then-CEO Hiroto Saikawa, who knew about the documents: Arun Bajaj, Daniel Bernabé, Kathryn Carlile, Jimmy Dawson, Bernard Delmas, Tomotaro Higashi, Keiko Ihara, Hidetoshi Imazu, Akihiro Itoh, Reiko Ito, Hitoshi Kawaguchi, Hideaki Kubo, Fabien Lesort, Christina Murray, Hari Nada, Motoo Nagai, Ravinder Passi, Bernard Rey, Alexandra Rubow, Saikawa, Hideyuki Sakamoto, Thomas Schriewer, Toshiyuki Shiga, Masakazu Toyoda and Jacquelyn Trussell.

  2. Why are you having a convo with yourself on the cross posted /r/law thread you weirdo?

  3. But all Japanese think Ghosn is bad because the Japanese media reports that way lol.

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