Japan to remove PCR test entry requirement for those triple-vaxxed

Japan to remove PCR test entry requirement for those triple-vaxxed


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  2. From Chrome Translate:

    “Regarding the border measures for the new coronavirus , the government will conditionally exempt the PCR test before entering Japan, and will adjust the upper limit of the number of people entering Japan from the current 20,000 to 50,000. It turns out that According to multiple government officials, the government is adjusting the upper limit of the number of people entering the country per day from 20,000 to 50,000 as early as next month. Regarding the negative proof by PCR test within 72 hours required when entering or returning to Japan, we are going to exempt it under the condition of three vaccinations. In addition, regarding the “total grasp” of infected patients, which has been pointed out as a burden on medical sites, medical institutions are requested to report detailed information on patients, and those who are at high risk of becoming seriously ill, such as the elderly and those with underlying diseases. We are making adjustments to limit it to Prime Minister Kishida is expected to make a final decision based on the domestic infection situation and the situation at the medical site, and announce the response tomorrow.“

  3. I continue to be surprised by the government’s insistence that only *three* shots make you fully vaccinated. In all other countries I’ve checked, back when vaccination status actually mattered for entry, two shots were always enough. This is still the case in some Asian countries that continue to require vaccinations, e.g. Thailand and Singapore.

    Where did the three shot requirement in Japan come from? Does it even make a difference after one year..?

  4. Finally. I’m a Japanese person who has left and returned to Japan at various times during the pandemic but as of late the 72hr prior PCR testing has become completely arbitrary.
    Some clinics in the country I have gone to will take your money to do the test so quickly that I have my doubts that it’s a proper sample.
    And they will give you what is essentially a blank check with nothing but the doctor’s signature and stamp but with the name/test result fields left blank for you to fill in

  5. So… announcing it tomorrow is one thing but… when is the start date I wonder? Sept 1?

  6. Any news on whether this applies to kids? Currently everybody over 6 needs a test, but under 12s are typically not eligible for boosters.

  7. Hot damn. This announcement could save me Â¥40,000 not having to take PCR tests in the country where I’m going to next month. Also, I was able to get my fourth shot yesterday. Yippee!

  8. It’s a joke that they’re changing this yet still banning tourists wholesale.

  9. What about traveling without tour guide. No one wants to be stuck to an itinerary as if we’re visiting a communist country.

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