Stuck on the beginner-intermediate limbo

I’ve been learning 日本語 for a year and a half now, been mainly studying with Anki and a little bit of inmersion. I know 平仮名、かたかな and at least enough カンジ to read basic texts. The problem is…that’s it, I haven’t progressed further than that, and I was wondering if you guys have resources, or anything to be honest, that can shift the stalemate.

Would gladly appreciate any advice

  1. You just gotta keep studying but now study stuff that’s a little bit harder

  2. You wrote hiragana in kanji, katakana in hiragana and kanji in katakana. That is wild.

  3. Expand your vocabulary with a basic vocab anki deck like Tango N5 or core 2k

    I am working my way through the Tango series (finishing up N3 atm) and although you don’t need to do as much as I am (planning on doing N2 as well), I think doing at least the N5 deck, and maybe a bit of N4 as well, would be extremely helpful in beginning to engage with native material authentically.

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