Dryer Room Operation Clarification

Been in my mansion apartment for several years and wife does laundry almost daily. She prefers the dryer room in the bathtub and uses it instead of the balcony almost exclusively.

We’ve never had an issue over several years but recently the fan broke and we had to have it repaired. Guy came, replaced the fan (with a brand new one) and there was a clear improvement for air circulation and strength. Even stronger than when we first moved in several years ago. We figured things would work even better.

Turns out it is much, much worse at drying clothes now. The room gets hot, and everything seems like it was before but now the room gets a LOT of condensation during the drying cycle, the floors and walls never dry, and the clothes seem to never get fully dry. We get better performance when we leave the door open a crack but it definitely says in the manual that the door should be closed with the vent in the door open.

I read the manual and I don’t think we are missing anything. The only thing that seems to have changed is the replaced fan. So I’m asking about expectations. Should there be a lot of condensation when running the dryer? Is it possible the repairman missed hooking something up or hooked something up wrong? Was our system broken in a good way and he fixed it so now it’s as it should be and it just sucks?

Trying to decide if I need to call the repairman back because something is wrong or we just need to adjust to the new bathtub dryer normal?

by kanada_ryokousha

  1. By “dryer room in the bathtub” you mean the pole above the tub that has a intake/exhaust fan on top of it that has a ‘clothes drying mode’ on the control panel, right?

    I also use it in winter / during pollen season (so basically now) and I always open the bathroom door fully when in use, never had problems with clothes not drying properly. Those humid air definitely need to go somewhere, and my apartment sure could use the extra humidity- my room settles at 35% humidity w/o humidifier during winter months. Try opening the door fully next time and see what happens?

  2. If the room is getting hotter with more condensation than before it sounds like the room ventilation is worse after the repair than before. Maybe you should discuss that situation with the repairman.

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