Trip plan feedback

Going to japan later in April and then Golden week (kids are off school so no choice). Family of 5, with teens.

Ambitious itinerary, since they can hate me the whole time as long as they appreciate it later.

Transit wise, would take taxis to save time where possible. Not really on a budget.

For the old cultural stuff we want to see it but don’t really care to dive deep. So like yes we want to see shrines, but don’t really need the tours etc.

Feedback welcome

Day 1:

Arrive afternoon. Pre-arranged car to Shibuya.

Will book Shibuya sky for 8pm or so in case we want to go and are not too gassed. Grab dinner locally.

Day 2: Harajuku and Shibuya

Booked bills for breakfast. Figured we would walk around, shop, and eat in Harajuku and Shibuya, see the crossing, all that stuff. Plus games and arcades.

Dinner reserved at one of the wagyu places and then do Shibuya in the evening until the malls close.

Day 3: Ginza, Tsukiji

Tsukiji market for breakfast. Teamlabs at 10. Shop and lunch and early afternoon in Ginza.

Double back to hotel and if we have time (probably not) go to Aoyama and walk around, or otherwise go to see the Swallows game at 6.

Day 4: Asakusa, Akihabara, Disney

Go to Asakusa early, grab some starbucks, walk by the main stuff, then head to Akihabara for lunch and early afternoon. We don’t have anything in particular we want to buy, just walk around and get a sense of the neighbourhood. And maybe play some games.

Then go to Disney, arrive around 4 so we can absorb how nutty it all is, go on a ride or two, see the electrical parade, and watch the fireworks. The disney piece is a bit of nostalgia now that the kids are older and didn’t think we would be able to see the electrical parade with them again.

If we don’t have time for it all would probably drop asakusa

Day 5: Kyoto

Send bags day before and train to Kyoto. Lunch by train station, maybe see Rangeo-in and then head to hotel which is by Karasuna station. Just sort of explore that neighbourhood and the shops etc. dinner at that dancing crab place.

Day 6: Kyoto

Go to fushimi early. See part of it and eat at food trucks. Then taxi up to maruyama park and walk through gion. We have tickets to see the geisha show at 12:30. Afternoon seeing all the Gion sites (I have like 10 on the list). Dinner maybe at one of the restaurants at Kawaramichi Garden. Try to spend a bit of time by the river.

If we are getting a late start would just ditch fushimi and tofuku temple cause can’t win them all and just start in gion.

Day 7: Kyoto

Cab to monkey park. A bunch of other sites around there on my list but doubt we will make it there. Wouldn’t mind starting at sagano grove and walking to the park through the neighbourhood there but will see.

Cab to lunch by golden pavillion. See that and kitano shrine. Then taxi to nijo castle. Do walk through (kids will like it). Afternoon around hotel, teramachi, etc.

Day 8: kinosaki

Train to kinosaki onsen. Wife and girl have massages. Fancy dinner. Do the onsen thing

Day 9: osaka

Do kinosaki in the morning and leave after lunch. Staying by osaka-namba

Evening Dotonbori, arcades, etc. see the yasaka shrine, go to round 1, eat. All that stuff

Day 10: Osaka

Sennichinae, Americamura, Mido-suji, and have lunch at one of the markets. Go to the castle area in the afternoon to check it out. We don’t need to go in.

Dinner in dotonbori area

Day 11: Nara

Train to Tenri. Do ~3 hours of the Yamanobe no michi trail from Isonokami-jingu to hibara-jinja. Seems like really nice countryside but could bail early if kids get bored.

Then go to nara and do the traditional deer and park stuff and see a bit of the town.

Train back to osaka and do dinner in shinsekai

Day 12: Universal

We got all the tickets and express passes and stuff, so full day at universal.

Day 13: Tokyo

Train to Tokyo. Staying in Shinjuku. Just explore the neighbourhood in the afternoon and evening.

Day 14: Kawaguchiko

We have a private car tour lined up. We Want to do the shiba-sakura flower thing, oishi park, the ropeway, pagoda, and the little fake tourist village things. Could do the boat too but time dependent. Lots to see in the area.

Day 15:Tokyo

Likely will sleep in. If not enough to do in shinjuku can also go to ikebukuro, seems like a good amount to do in a half day.

We have Giants/Tigers tickets for 6pm so can also go early to the area and check out Tokyo Dome City

Night in Shinjuku shutting down arcades, doing late night batting cages, etc. just see how long we can stay up.

Day 16 we leave so go exhausted to the airport and then sleep on the plan, hopefully partially dealing with the jet lag.

by cj19761000

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