Bank account/ Payment methods advice

Moved here a few months ago, Japanese citizen and have so far gotten a Japanese number set up.

I have a decent amount of yen in cash that I would like to deposit to set up an account here. I plan to pay my upcoming move-in fees from this account, and it will also be where I will deposit my paycheques when I begin working. From my research I plan to go with either Sony or SMBC Olive, as I’d prefer to be able access things in English.

I am a little confused about the banking system here, as it seems most people choose a payment system such as Rakuten, Line, Docomo, Paypay, etc. that is separate from their bank for daily expenses. (I have never used Rakuten much but might start if the points system is highly recommended, and current phone plan is with Docomo if that makes a difference. )

I am currently using my Canadian credit cards (+bank account), but seeing as I am about to spend a fair amount with my upcoming move, any recommendations to best take advantage of rewards/benefits from a daily banking setup would be greatly appreciated! TIA.


by gumecity

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